Legal Advice Answer Experience
Get legal help from experts. Anywhere. Anytime.
Customers who ask legal advice questions on the Rocket Lawyer platform need to be able to receive that advice from anywhere at any time.

Knowing this, I designed a mobile first, single page experience that allows for follow-up questions to a lawyer's answer, suggestions for additional related activities on the platform and rating the quality of the advice given. This rating creates a feedback loop that ensures a customer gets legal help quickly and effectively, positive reinforcement for lawyers providing answers, as well as monitoring the performance of the attorney network.

For more details about the legal advice product at Rocket Lawyer, read the case study.
Building meaningful relationships between those who need help and those who can help.
About the Company
Rocket Lawyer is a platform for consumers and small businesses to solve and manage their legal problems with DIY legal documents and quick access to legal advice from lawyers. The company’s mission is to make the law affordable and accessible to everyone.
Business Goal of the product
Integrate a question and answer legal advice product from an acquired company into the Rocket Lawyer platform to acquire new users that are looking for legal help.
Sketches and ideation
Working closely with my product manager we often met to sketch out ideas on a whiteboard.
Building meaningful relationships between those who need help and those who can help.
User Flows
Building meaningful relationships between those who need help and those who can help.
Building meaningful relationships between those who need help and those who can help.
Note: This prototype is fully web responsive. If viewing on desktop, shrink browser window to view mobile experience.
Building meaningful relationships between those who need help and those who can help.
Other recent work
Building meaningful relationships between those who need help and those who can help.